Thursday, 23 February 2012


The Wandering Bean... that's spelled  W.A.N.D. not W.O.N.D.

have you ever wondered how we got our name? like it or not, it works. i'm not even sure why. blair thought it up. it was actually the Traveling Bean but a British friend added Wandering. sounded better

i don't really like it but customers get that 'ahhh ha' look when they realise it refers to the fact that we do not have a permanent location. suppliers remember it too.

when you name your child imagine yelling out for them at the playground. you don't want 10 kids to come running and you don't want to feel lke an idiot, do you?

same applies here. test it out.

"hey while you're out, grab me a coffee at 'YOUR UGLY MUG'"
"hello, this is_______ from 'NICE PERKS'"
"let's get a latte at 'BREW HA HA'"

STOP trying too hard

Brews D'Ego - Caffiend - Cafe Diem - Latte Tudes - F'Coffee (sorry)

equivalent children's names would be Baylee, Jaxon, Kooper, FeeBee, Jorja or Lyndzee

DON"T imply you do more that just make coffee

Bump and Grind - Strange Brew - Whip it Good - Bean Busters - Espresso Yourself  

don't name your daughter Candy, Bandi, Crystal or Desiree either

RELAX you're way too serious

Cup O'Joy - The Great Awakening - Bean around the World - A Cup Above

Herald? Sigmund? Grant?... for god's sake it's just a baby!!

now you're totally boring

Bean Here - Coffee Cafe - Java House - Beans, Beans 

you'll get what you give if you name your kid Steve, Kevin or Jane

STOP you're killing me...

Bean Me Up - Human Bean - Bean Counter - Cup-a-Cabana - Bean Caffeinated?

just put a bow tie on him and be done with it

i would want to give my business and for that matter my child a name that they might not be judged. i'd want you to get to know them and judge them later

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